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Enriching the public’s artistic horizons through the presentation of high quality music concerts and other music shows and events




COMMUNITY CONCERT NETWORK, INC. is much needed by this community. The fact that we go directly into the local community and neighborhood centers means that we reach those who would ordinarily not access quality cultural events.


Further, we have organized many successful concerts with the help of dedicated immigrant musicians and cultural professionals as well as with the cooperation of low-income and underrepresented artists in the community.


The key objectives of the COMMUNITY CONCERT NETWORK, INC. are as follows:

  • Recognizing a vital connection between the rich cultural environment and the health of the community; serving the low income and fixed income members of the Jewish population;


  • Promoting public interest in music concerts and other related art forms;

  • Enriching the public’s artistic horizons through the presentation of high quality music concerts and other music shows and events;


  • Providing opportunities to the immigrants and low-income families and involving them in productive, secure, and safe activities through quality art education and cultural events;


  • Introducing colorful culture and art from different parts of the world into the City’s multicultural mosaic;


  • Participating in joint artistic educational and community programs with other ethnic community organizations having similar goals.

  • Participating in joint artistic educational and community programs with other ethnic community organizations having similar goals.

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